Monday, June 3, 2024

We've Come This Far

 We’ve Come This Far

“Never stop believing in hope because miracles happen every day”

Another way of expressing this is to never stop Believing in Ourselves!

The thing with miracles is that we don’t always recognise them, sometimes, until they have gone. 

Always Believing in Hope is the same as always Believing in Life Itself, and we would never give up on Life.

The word Hope can mean: “a feeling of expectation or / and desire for a particular thing to happen”, or, “a feeling of trust”.

Do we Trust Ourselves?

Do we Trust in Life?

Will we always Believe in “Trust”?

“Miracles” are happening every day, all day, we just need to stop and ‘see’ them.

A new born baby is a miracle, just as the old lady is a miracle, who struggles to go out but still does to meet her friend at the cafe.

A student may think that it is a miracle when they pass that very difficult exam.

And a mum and dad are so Proud when they see their little one take his or her first steps.

What about you?

What ‘Miracles’ have You accomplished today?

Sit down and take a few minutes, quietly, to think about what YOU have done today, and allow yourself to feel Proud of yourself.

Some may say that it’s a miracle that we’ve come this far.


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