Saturday, June 1, 2024

Make The Right Choice

 Make The Right Choice

“I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become”

Not allowing the past to ‘mould’ us into being a person we would never want to be shows how Strong we are.

Everyone of us “Wants”  to be a certain person, living a certain way and being known for having certain qualities.

We need to be Positive to make sure that we Live and Have the Life that We Want.

Or choose to have.

Choice is such an Important word.

We must never forget that we do have a choice.

And we must never let anyone take that choice away from us!

We can either choose to have a Good Life and to be a Positive and Happy person.

Or to have an unhappy and negative and sad life.

Which one will help us Mentally?

For our own Mental Health, we must always choose the Positive way of Living.


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