Monday, June 17, 2024

A Positive Attitude Will Help us

 A Positive Attitude Will Help Us

“Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations”

A pregnant woman, who is in labour for many hours and then gives birth to a beautiful baby, would readily agree with this.

Isn’t it true that anything worth having, always has a difficult ‘road’ inorder to receive it?

An example of this could be that student, who studies for hours and hours, and takes all those classes, and takes those difficult exams, and, finally, arrives at their ‘beautiful’ career after so many difficult hours (or roads).

What about you and I?

Have you gone down a ‘difficult’ road in your life, only to make it to a ‘beautiful’ destination or way of life?

Many of us have.

It can seem sometimes that life Itself is one big road, but whether or not It is a difficult road, depends a great deal on our attitude towards our lives.

For some, Life is the beautiful destination.

A Positive Attitude will help us in Life, now and in the future.


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