Monday, June 10, 2024

It's The Little Changes Sometimes

 It’s The Little Changes Sometimes

“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change”

Only we can change our lives for the better.

No one else can do it for us.

This can seem difficult because very few of us like change.

We are so used to our routine that ‘anything’ can seem to put us out.

However, if we are unhappy in our lives, something has got to change. 

We need to have the Courage to change things ourselves for the better.

Any change starts in the mind.

We need to start putting Positive thoughts into our minds, and these will Encourage Positive changes, physically, in our lives.

Sometimes we may need to ‘study’ for these changes.

For example, a young woman who loves fashion and wants to work in the fashion industry, will study as much as possible about the fashion world, and by doing this, she would ‘fit in’ with that particular life.

The same is true for a school teacher, she or he would have had to ‘studied’ to be qualified to teach in a classroom.

What about you and I?

Whilst we may not be able to make big changes in our lives, because of the responsibilities we may have, we can make those little changes which can make our lives that little bit happier.


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