Friday, June 28, 2024

We Are Blessed And Lucky

 We Are Blessed And Lucky

“If you have a family that loves you, a roof over your head and a warm meal, you’re doing better than you think”

We go about our normal lives and do not always think about this.

It is often not until some difficulty crosses our paths that we realize just what we do have.

We can choose our friends but not our family.

However, without our family, we may not fully appreciate the good in our friends.

And think about the fact that most of us have a family, whereas many are raised in an orphanage and have no family.

We are Blessed.

Most of us have a home to live in, which is warm and dry and cozy.

A homeless person would like a roof over their heads if only for one night.

We are Lucky.

We go about our day ‘expecting’ a warm meal at some point during that day.

And yet, the very poor still live amongst us and may only be able to afford one hot meal a week.

Can we share our meal?

It can be quite an eye-opener when we think about these things.

Again, it comes down to having a Grateful Heart and Appreciating what we do personally have in Life.


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