Monday, June 24, 2024

Live, Breathe And Dream "It"

 Live, Breathe And Dream “It”

“Nobody is ever “too busy”, if they’re interested, they’ll make time”

When we want something, and I mean really want something, it is on our minds all of the time.

We Live, Breathe and Dream “It”.

We read about it and think about it.

And without even realizing, we spend more and more time ‘on it’.

The difficulty comes when we may not be ‘so’ interested in something, for example, like a project for work or school or college.

We need to try to “see” the Benefits in the ‘thing’.

Or it may just be that we’ve got to do it anyway.

Not being “too busy” means that we have a Control on our Time.

That Time doesn’t just ‘fly by’ as in “where has the time gone?”

Keeping Control of our Time also means that we have Control of our Lives too.

And then, we will never be “too busy” for something that we are personally really interested in.

If you’re interested, you’ll make time.


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