Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Determination And Confidence

 Determination And Confidence

“A positive attitude can really make dreams come true”

I’ve got an idea, a ‘dream’.

I can do this, I really can achieve this!

I’m living my ‘dream’!

A Positive Attitude makes most things seem Possible.

But what is an “Attitude”?

“A feeling or opinion about something or someone, or a way of behaving that is caused by this”.

A Feeling or an Opinion which affects what we do, how we behave and why we behave or do things ‘in a certain way’.

So let “Positive” be the “Why” and then Life will be Achievable.

Our dreams will become a possibility of coming true — with a Positive Attitude.

Inorder to become a Doctor, especially a specialised doctor, you have to have that very Positive Determination because of all the years of hard study and exams that have to be passed.

With this, no doubt, the person would have done his or her research first, and then that person would have felt much more Confident to move forward in their chosen career (or life).

Another example is the ballet dancer.

Without that Positive Love for ballet and the sheer Determination to dance those steps, he or she would never have the Right Attitude to dance in that theatre.

What about you and I?

With that Positive and Determined Attitude, we will have the Confidence to Have and Live our Dream.


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