Friday, June 7, 2024

Plan "It"

 Plan “It”

“Wake up every morning with the thought that something wonderful is going to happen”

When we were children, life was one big adventure.

We’d wake up every morning, excited to see what will happen, what we’ll learn that day, and happy to play with our favourite toys.

What happened?

We grew up.

But sometimes we ‘forget’ that there is excitement in every day because, as adults, we become too busy looking after others, as well as ourselves.

We need to remember that there is always something Special in every single day, we just have to ‘find’ it or ‘look’ for it.

And even as adults, we are always Learning something new every day, we just may not always realise it.

Also, can we plan our day enough to have that special something to look forward to?

For example, what’s your favourite hobby? Reading? Music? Sewing?

Why not give yourself 10 to 15 minutes every day to sit down, rest, and ‘do’ your favourite hobby?

Not only is this good for you physically, but also for your Mental Health, which is one of the most Important things in our lives.

Having something Positive and Good in our minds will help us to find and ‘see’ those “miracles” — which happen every day.


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