Saturday, June 22, 2024

Move Or Stand Still?

 Move Or Stand Still?

“Focus on progression not perfection”

To “Progress” means to move forward or onward.

It is a movement towards a destination or a goal.

Progression is also a Development towards an improved or more advanced ‘condition’.

“Perfection” is a person or thing considered to be perfect.

I would rather Progress and Move Forwards in my life.

What about you?

It is always better to Focus the Mind on Movement than it is to stare at something that is not moving.

Thinking about Moving Forwards in anything keeps the Mind Active, which is so Important for our Mental Health!

It also depends on what we want in life.

To “be” perfect and never achieve anything.

Or to constantly progress and achieve things that we never knew we could achieve.

What would YOU want to do?

This applies to anything in our lives, whatever we are doing, and even how we live our lives.

A ‘perfect’ nurse can be a doctor but only “if” he or she focuses on progressing and not on perfection.

A teacher can become the head of the school, but only if he or she moves on in the teaching profession.

What about you and I?


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