Friday, June 21, 2024

Believe, Faith, Confidence

 Believe, Faith, Confidence

“Everything you ever wanted is on the other side of fear”

“Fear” is the number one ‘thing’ that stops us from doing anything.

It might not work.

It’s too expensive.

I’d love that but I’m too frightened to go for it.

We have all said these words at some time in our lives.

We have all had these fears.

So, how do we overcome this?

How do we say “goodbye” to that fear?

Believing in Ourselves has got to be at the top of the list.

We never know what we CAN do until we have to or want to.

And almost all of the time, we actually CAN and Do overcome “It”.

Having Faith in Ourselves is on the top of this list too.

Think about what you Have Accomplished in the past, and this will give you Faith in Yourself for the Future.

And then there is that all Important word Confidence.

Have Confidence on Your own Abilities.

Once we Believe, have Faith and the Confidence in Ourselves, fear does not exist.

Instead of saying “can I?”, turn the words around to “I Can!”

With all of this, you are also building your Mind up to be able to do what you want to do.

This will keep you in Charge of your Life, instead of letting ‘fear’ take over.


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