Saturday, June 15, 2024

Think, Live And Breathe "It"

 Think, Live And Breathe “It”

“What you choose to focus on determines your happiness. Look for the roses in life and overlook the thorns”

A ballet dancer who focuses his or her mind on dancing “the Swan” spends days, even months, practicing.

That person will watch, read, ‘dream’ and “live” that part.

And when he or she gets that special part — their performance is fantastic.

A very Important feature of this is the Focus within the mind!

What do you “Want” in Life?

Do you want it enough to ‘ignore’ the barriers and “just go for it”?

Something like this can even apply to someone who is married, with children, who looks after their elderly parents and still holds a job down,

Does this sound familiar?

You and I can still Follow our Dreams.

We need to Focus on them.

We need to Plan for that Dream.

But most of all, we need to Believe in ourselves and to Believe in the Dream itself.

Focus or Direct your mind towards the Positive.

Sit down.

Focus and think.

Write down and plan.

You’ll be surprised at what you “see”.

And when you Focus, you’ll be surprised at what you will actually do to make that Dream come true.

Like that ballet dancer, do you think, live and breathe your Happiness?


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