Thursday, June 27, 2024

Show How Strong You Are!

 Show How Strong You Are!

“Never be a prisoner of your past. It was just a lesson, not a life sentence”

Let it go.

If it doesn’t affect you today, now, don’t let it.

And if there is nothing you can do about it, don’t even think about it.

Many things from the past stay in our minds.

Some are nice and good memories.

Some are sad, negative and are ‘scars’.

Which ones will you allow to ‘influence’ your Future?

Every memory that we have we can Learn from and ‘use’ to help us as we go through Life.

When we went to school and had a lesson on any subject, we learned about that subject, and used that knowledge to help us as we moved onto college and / or work.

However, we do not ‘live’ that subject.

We have all gone through difficult situations, possibly getting hurt emotionally.

But we must not let this ruin our Love for Life.

We must ‘use’ these past experiences as stepping stones towards what we want in our Lives.

And what we Deserve in our Lives.

Show how Strong You Are!

Learn from the past to support your Life Now and in the Future.


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