Friday, September 13, 2024

You Should Be Proud Of Yourself

 You Should Be Proud Of Yourself

“On particularly hard days when I feel that I can’t endure, I remind myself that my track record for getting through bad days is 100% so far”

Look in the mirror and pat yourself on the back, and say outloud to yourself: “Well Done You!”

Only You know what ‘kind’ of Life that you have gone through — and you are still here today.

You should be Proud of Yourself.

The world we live in today can be a ‘constant fight’ and we can become very ‘tired’.

But — we have (possibly) gone through worse and have come out the other side Stronger.

“My track record for getting through bad days is 100%”.

Keep that in mind!

The next time ‘something comes up’, you’ll probably just brush it aside because it seems very trivial.

Being busy in Positive activities will keep our Minds away from the negativity of a bad day.

Like a ball bounces off a wall, a hard day will ‘bounce off’ our Determined and Confident Minds.

But we must keep our Minds Strong towards Positivity on a daily basis.

Remember that mirror and that Amazing person looking into it.

That very Special person is YOU!


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