Sunday, September 22, 2024

Remember To Do This

 Remember To Do This 

"Stop focusing on how stressed you are and remember how blessed you are"

It Is always Good to be reminded of how "Blessed" we are in Life.

Reminding ourselves of all the Good things we have in our Lives to be Grateful for is so Good for our Mental Health. 

When we do this, not only are we supporting ourselves in the Best possible way, but we are also Encouraging others by our Confident Attitude.

Too many times do we hear others complaining and stressing over what they do to have in their Lives, that we must be careful that this does not 'rub off' onto us.

They focus on the negative things and fail to "See" the Support that they receive every single day.

We must 'fight' this way of thinking because it is so damaging to us both Mentally and Emotionally, both of which affect our Physical bodies. 

We need to 'let go' of comparing ourselves to others and Focus our Attention on what we 'Do Have' and look at these as Blessings. 

The question is: do you want to look at your Life in a negative way and have a 'sick' mind and body?

Or, do you want to Focus on the Positive in your Life, on all of the "Blessings" that you do have, and have a Happy and Healthy Mind and Body?

It's true ----- "count your Blessings".


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