Friday, September 27, 2024

Show The World

 Show The World

“I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become”

It is Our Choice!

Will I ‘allow’ the past to make me into a ‘person’ I never wanted to be?

Or shall I become the ‘person’ I choose to become?

One is the easy way and the other requires work, but only one is the Right Way.

Whilst it is Good and Important to Learn from past experiences, we must never let this ‘define’ our personality.

Our Lives will become ‘who’ we are.

We need to make a Positive and Determined choice when thinking about ‘how’ we want to Live our Lives.

We also need to ‘break free’ from other people's expectations and opinions of us.

We are our own Unique and Special person and we need to be Confident enough to ‘show’ this.

Building up and having a Positive Mindset will Encourage us to do this.

Embrace “who” you really are and show the world how Beautiful you really are.


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