Wednesday, September 18, 2024

"Well Done You!"

 “Well Done You!”

“If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way, if you don’t, you’ll find an excuse”

We have often heard the words: “Do you really want that?”

How many times have we said this to ourselves?

When we “Want” something, we do everything within our Power to get it or to achieve it!

It is when we don’t really ‘put our souls’ into something that we are really showing ourselves that ‘we don’t really want it’.

And yet, if we really think about ‘it’, we could be missing out on something if we can’t be bothered or make an excuse.

We may need to have a look at ourselves to ‘find out’ why we seem to be lukewarm about something.

But when we really want something, and put our ‘whole hearts’ into getting it, how do we feel when we finally receive it?




Have a Sense of Achievement.

And Impressed with what we really can do when we really want something.

And don’t forget to look in the mirror and Smile and say: “Well Done You!”


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