Monday, September 30, 2024

Just Be You

 Just Be You

"Don't change so people will like you. Be yourself and the right people will love the real you"

It is always better just to be yourself, whoever you are, and wherever you are.

You'll be much Happier.

And it is true that people, the right kind of people, will love the real you.

We live in a world where too many 'copy' each other out of fear of being rejected, but they 'loose' who they really are.

When we look in the mirror and "Accept" who we really are, with all of the 'imperfections' and 'flaws' that we have, we are showing that we have Faith in Ourselves and in Our own Abilities.

Every one of us is Unique, Special and yes Different.

How Interesting this makes Life.

We can Learn from others but 'They' can Learn from us also.

When we are "True to Ourselves", it is Amazing how many 'like-minded' people we meet, without even trying.

And when we are "Ourselves", we are showing others that we are Happy with 'who' we are and that we "Love" Ourselves, and "Accept" us for who we have become.

This kind of Self-Love is so Important for our Mental Health. 

So Focus on Who You Are, with all of the Positive Qualities and Strengths that you have, and this will Attract the right kind of friends.


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