Sunday, September 15, 2024

Keep It Happy

 Keep It Happy

“Life is better when you’re laughing”

Laughter really is the Best medicine.

It is so Good for our Mental Health.

Doesn’t everyone feel so much more Happier when everyone is Laughing?!

When we Laugh, the body releases Endorphins, wwe give the body a Good boost to the immune system and Laughter benefits our physical hearts.

We become Closer to people we Love when we have a Good Laugh.

And Laughter ‘creates’ a Happy mood.

Humour is a Good way of dealing with daily challenges.

It has been called a ‘coping’ mechanism because it releases the mind from the anxiety of the problem.

Often that is all it takes.

To meet a ‘challenge’ with a Laugh and the ‘problem’ soon goes.

A Positive way of keeping Laughter in our daily Lives is to be with Cheerful friends.

Watching a Good comedy can do Wonders to lift our spirits.

And even reading a “fun” book can make us Smile.

And don’t forget to Laugh at Yourself once in a while.


Holistic Medicine

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