Sunday, September 15, 2024

"Go For It!"

 “Go For It!”

“Three choices in life: give up, give in or give it all you’ve got”

“Give it all you’ve got!”

How many times have we heard those words?

How many times have we said them, in Encouragement to others?

How about Encouraging ourselves with those same words!

All through our Lives we are faced with ‘situations’ and ‘problems’ and we just don’t always know what to do about them.

Well, don’t give up!

And don’t give in!

Literally, give it all you’ve got!

Think about ‘all’ of the reasons ‘why’ you should do this and write them down, to remind your future self.

This is Your Life so make it the Best you can .

And don’t forget to put “Happiness” in there.

Whatever makes You Happy!

Like the sports men and women who we have just been watching during the Olympics, who physically gave it all they had, we can achieve that ‘Golden’ Life today, maybe not so much financially, but Mentally and Emotionally we can be much Happier.

Go for that Happiness because you Deserve it.


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