Monday, September 2, 2024

Be Resilient

 Be Resilient

“If you want life to be happier, you must change your thinking. It’s how you deal with stress that determines how well you achieve happiness”

How we deal with stress is a make or break in our lives.

If we ‘allow’ stress in and ‘allow’ it to take over our lives, we lose Control of our minds which means that we will lose Control of our lives, and negativity and all that goes with it will ‘creep’ into our day, and we’ll be unhappy and sad.

But if we ‘fight’ off stress, not opening that door to it, and doing what we can Mentally and Physically, Positivity and Confident and Hopeful qualities will bring Happiness and Strength and Control into our daily Lives.

It all starts in the Mind and in our Way of Thinking.

By practicing Mindfulness every day, we will be building up a Resilience in our Minds so that when a stressful ‘situation’ appears, we will be Determined and Resolved to keep Control of our Minds and there will be no room for the negative sadness which can so easily drag us down.

We WANT to be Happy.

We WANT to keep Control.

We WANT to have a Positive Life.

All of this will Help us to have that Happy Life we all dream of.


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