Saturday, September 7, 2024

learn, Live And Love

 Learn, Live And Love

“Letting go is not forgetting, it’s remembering without fear. It’s stepping forward with a present mind and a lesson learned”

When we let go without forgetting, we are Learning a lesson.

When we remember without that fear it shows that we have Control of our Minds and of our Lives.

This will help us to move forward, taking a step towards tomorrow and the future.

Letting go of things that happened in our past Improves our Mental Health, as well as Strengthens our Emotions.

By doing this, we can ‘free up’ our Lives to become Happier and more Fulfilling.

Practicing Mindfulness every day will help to keep us in the present moment.

Meditating every morning will give us the Peace that we will need for that day.

When we have Learned our Lessons of the past, we can let go of the negativity and make room for the Positive.

We want to have Control of our Lives today and tomorrow, and when we have Learned from the past, we will not make the same mistakes, and we will Look Forward to a Happier Life.


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