Friday, September 6, 2024

Think Happy Thoughts

 Think Happy Thoughts

“The problem is not the problem. The problem is the incredible amount of overthinking you’re doing with the problem. Let it go and be free”

How true are these words!

Isn’t it so true that when a problem plays on our minds, it is often “ALL” we can think about.

Overthinking is exactly that, thinking ‘too much’ about something, and when it is negative, it is bad for our Mental Health.

The more we think about it, the more anxious and worried we become, possibly without even realizing it.

And all of this can lead to depression and us losing Control of our Lives, two things we definitely do not want!

How much better for us if we just ‘let go’ of the problem in our minds, especially if we can’t do anything about it, and “FREE” up our minds to think Positive and Happy thoughts.

Practicing Mindfulness for a few minutes every day will help us and ‘prepare’ our minds, so that when we come across a problem, we will be able to ‘cope’ with it and keep Control of our Lives.


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