Saturday, July 20, 2024

You'll Be Glad You Were Patient

 You’ll Be Glad You Were Patient

“Let today’s theme be this: Be patient. The best things happen unexpectedly”

We live in a ‘NOW’ world where everything is ‘now’, ‘today’, ‘this minute’.

Which means we rarely have to “Wait” for things.

This means that when we do — we must be Patient.

“Patient”: to be able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.

“Be Patient, your time will come”.

Having this “Patience” is good for our Mental Health.

‘This’ reduces stress and fosters Inner Peace, which is something we all need.

This is also Good for building ‘skills’, such as Self-Discipline and Self-Regulation.

Being Patient also shows that we trust in Ourselves.

The Beauty of Life on this Earth is that things — nice things — do often happen ‘unexpectedly’.

We may not even be thinking about something when someone, out of the blue, offers it to us.

This could apply to a new job.

This could apply to having a new friend.

This could even apply to having a ‘new life’.

Practicing Mindfulness is Good in building Patience within our Lives.

And ‘seeing the Fun’ in anything is a very Positive way of developing Patience within ourselves.

And when that unexpected thing happens, we’ll be ever so glad that we were Patient.


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