Friday, July 12, 2024

Keep this "Chance" Strong

 Keep This “Chance” Strong

“Every day is another chance to change your life”

The Power is in our own hands to Change Our Lives.

We just need to take Control of Life.

Many of us resist change because we fear the unknown.

But we will never Progress in our own Lives if we don’t have the Courage to ‘face the unknown’.

We like our own little worlds, and stay in our comfort zones because we are so Comfortable.

But we will stagnate like this.

We want to Move On in Life, and the only way we can do this is by having Belief in Ourselves.

Thinking about the Benefits of changing our Lives, and the Good things that we will Receive, will Encourage us to ‘take that first step’.

All of this starts in the Mind.

Thinking about why we want to change our Lives will give us the Reason.

Thinking about How we will change our Lives gives us the Encouragement to start Moving Forward.

We need to Persevere.

To be Resilient.

And to have Confidence and Faith in our own Abilities.

Taking Action Now and being Committed to that change will keep this “Chance” Strong in our Minds.

Remember, though, to be Realistic.


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