Friday, July 26, 2024

You Can Handle This!

 You Can Handle This!

“In the gym, the weight doesn’t get easier to lift; you get stronger. In life, events don’t get easier to handle; you become better equipped to handle them. Keep growing”

Some weights in a gym are used to Strengthen many different muscles in the body.

This is a very good way of looking at Life and the ‘situations’ we find ourselves in.

When we first come up against a ‘problem’, we panic and worry about how to deal with ‘it’.

However, when we come against the same ‘problem’ a second or even third time, we know exactly what to do and we no longer worry or panic over ‘it’.

We are much Stronger in Ourselves.

A great deal of our ‘coping mechanism’ is connected to our minds and how we ‘view’ the ‘situation’ or ‘problem’.

Like lifting the weights in the gym, making our muscles Stronger, we can “Exercise” our Minds, making them Strong, which will enable us to face and deal with these ‘situations’ in Life.

The weights or ‘events’ do not necessarily get easier but We become Stronger ‘at each turn’.

Having a set routine of Mindfulness will Strengthen our Minds for when such ‘events’ or ‘situations’ arise.

Also, having a goal or a dream in mind, or even working towards these, will Help us to keep Control of our Lives and of our Time.

We also Grow within Ourselves and within our Lives.


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