Monday, July 1, 2024

'Tend That Soil'

 ‘Tend That Soil’

“When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment it grows in, not the flower”

This is an Important thought for our ‘daily’ lives.

We don’t always see a rose growing but when it blossoms — it is beautiful.

The rose or flower grows every day.

So what we put into our lives, every single day, will affect whether we will grow in Life or not.

Also, where our environment is and what it is will affect our Personal Growth.

Who do we ‘associate’ with?

Are they Positive or negative?

Does he or she Encourage you, building you up?

Or does he or she ‘tread on you’, taking your worth away from you?

Our environment has an unconscious effect on our minds, which is why we need to ‘look at it’ and “see” how our environment affects us, both mentally and physically.

This also applies to what we put into or ‘allow’ into our minds.

Do we think pessimistic thoughts, defeating our day before we even get up in the morning?

Or do we build up and construct that Practical and Productive, Positive wall to help us through the day?

The environment starts in the mind, and then the ‘physical environment’ always follows.

We want to Grow Strong in our Lives so we have to ‘tend that soil’.


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