Friday, July 5, 2024

Kindness Is Always Appreciated

 Kindness Is Always Appreciated

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted”

Every act of Kindness has a Positive effect.

However large or small, Kindness is always Appreciated.

When Kindness is shown within the family, the family bonds become Stronger than ever.

When Kindness is shown towards a stranger, a sense of community starts to be built and a stranger becomes a friend.

When we offer our seat on the bus to the elderly lady, the ‘act’ itself has a Positive effect on those involved but also on those watching.

Opening a shop door for the mum with three young children can just make her day a little bit easier.

A simple compliment, even to a stranger, can make all the difference to his or her day.

Also, these ‘acts of Kindness’ can be looked at as “examples” for the next generation to Learn from.

We feel Good when we show Kindness to others.

They feel Happier that ‘someone loves them’.

And for those watching, a sense of well-being spreads.

When we are Kind towards others, we Build our own Self-Esteem and Confidence.

Yes, everybody “Wins” when Kindness is shown and received.


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