Monday, July 29, 2024

Appreciate Every Single Moment

 Appreciate Every Single Moment

“Someday we will look back at this moment, and it will forever remind us to never take the little things for granted”

How Important this is!

We must try to always be Grateful for anything Good that comes into our lives.

We should also be Grateful for the negative things, because we can Learn from them.

A Good way of doing this is to think about what we have in our Lives and write them down in a Gratitude journal.

A cup of coffee or tea with a biscuit is needed and well-earned after two hours of working (inside or outside the home).

A hug from our favourite aunt or uncle makes us feel so welcome when we visit them.

That Smile mother gives you when you’re popping in her shopping and having lunch with her.

Life is so ‘quick’ and can so easily be taken for granted, that we need to try to Appreciate every single moment, every single thing and every single person that we have in our Lives.

And it very often is the “little things” that we Appreciate more but that can so very easily be taken for granted.


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