Monday, July 22, 2024

Remind Yourself

 Remind Yourself

“There is always, always, always something to be grateful for”

Sit down and think about what and who is in your life, and what and who you should be Grateful for having in your Life.

We do not do enough of this.

Being so busy every day, all day, our minds are often taking up with ‘everything else’.

But sometimes we just need to do this to Remind Ourselves that Life is Good and Worth Living.

And also to Strengthen our Minds in a Positive way.

A Gratitude journal is good for this.

Writing in it every day will Help our Minds to stay on the ‘right track’ and build that Positive wall inside our Minds, which is ever so Important for the Balance of our Minds.

Also, we can read our Gratitude journal to Remind us of how Good Life really is.

What are some of these things to be Grateful for?

Somewhere to live.

Something to eat and drink.

Clothes to wear and shoes on our feet.

A school, college or university to Learn in.

A job to go to.

Good and steady health-care.

These are the basics but we still have them and should be Grateful for them too.

For example, compare your ‘situation’ to those who are living in a war-torn country. 

Yes, we have a lot to be grateful for.


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