Saturday, July 13, 2024

Have A Positive Focus

 Have A Positive Focus

“Guard your time fiercely. Be generous with it, but be intentionally about it”

Our Time is Precious because Life Is Time.

King Henry VIII is quoted as saying: “Of all the losses, time is the most irrecuperable for it can never be redeemed”.

Once Time has gone, we can never get it back or replace it.

None of us can ‘add’ years to our Lives, which is why we should use our Time wisely.

“Guard your time fiercely” — what could this mean?

Don’t waste your Time by spending it in the company of people who are negative and who do not Appreciate the Importance of Time!

Yes, be Generous with your Time, spending it with people you Love and helping them.

This gives a Purpose to our Time.

This is bringing out Time management, which is basically keeping Control of our Time.

A Good routine and schedule can only help us to ‘keep our hands on our Time’.

We want how we use our Time to have a Positive Focus on our Lives and other people's Lives too.


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