Wednesday, July 31, 2024

I Am Grateful That You Are In My Life

 I Am Grateful That You Are In My Life

“Today I am grateful for all the people that are loving and kind to me”

This can come down to — who do we ‘allow’ into our lives?

One thing we do need to be Grateful for is the “Unconditional Love” that we receive from our parents.

If we are lucky enough to have both parents in our lives, we “see” that Special Love every day of our Lives.

We can show how much we Appreciate this Love simply by giving our mum and dad time out from our busy schedule, and caring for them when they get older.

Have you noticed that most people want to be Kind, Helpful and Happy in their lives?

Again, if we are lucky enough to have these ‘kind’ of people in our lives then we have some really Good friends.

We want to ‘keep’ their friendship so we need to show the same considerate Qualities to them.

A thoughtful Smile.

A cheerful ‘Thankyou’.

Sometimes a small gift of Appreciation can speak volumes.

Showing Genuine Care for others 'Shines through and people do respond to such Kindness.

Just think for a few moment ‘who’ you have in your Life and the Qualities they have and show.

This will help us to be ‘Grateful’ that we have them in our Lives.

All of this will have such a Positive effect on our Mental Health.


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