Wednesday, July 3, 2024

And You And Me Are Doing Them

 And You And Me Are Doing Them

“Sometimes miracles are just good people with kind hearts”

Sometimes, all it takes is a Smile for a person’s day to become a Happier day.

There are acts of Kindness all around us, we just may not always see them.

We ourselves may be doing them without really thinking about them.

But someone somewhere Appreciates the Kindness.

Some people lose sight of what the word ‘Miracle’ means.

It is not some magic trick done by someone who is not human (with all due Respect to those who do believe), but a Miracle is an act of Kindness done by an ordinary person.

Doing shopping for an elderly neighbour means that he or she will eat that week.

Picking up someone’s purse when they’ve dropped it and not realized, and we say: “Excuse me, you dropped your purse, here it is”, means that she will be able to pay her rent for the next two weeks.

A Smile at the young school kid on his or her way to school means “you got this”, and they know they’ll make it through that school day.

These are very simple everyday ‘Acts of Kindness’.

And you and I are doing them every day.


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

If We Allow It!

 If We Allow It!

“Without rain nothing grows. Learn to embrace the storms of your life”

Roses need rain inorder to grow, look beautiful and smell nice.

We are very much the same.

When we are ‘tested’ in the storms of Life, we become Stronger people.

We Learn from difficult situations how to manage Life as we Go through these storms.

We also Learn to Appreciate what we have Today.

All of these things build up our personalities into becoming very Positive and Determined.

If we allow it!

Rather than becoming depressed and sad when something bad happens in our lives, it is far better to take the ‘storm’ as a challenge that we “will get through!”

It’s not easy, especially when something happens out of the blue and it is a total shock.

But if we have ‘prepared’ our minds beforehand, we will ‘embrace’ the storm and be Determined to Learn something Positive from it.

Then, not only will we come through it ‘smelling of roses’, but we may even avoid the same problem later on in Life.

Without the ‘rain’, we will never grow as individuals.


Monday, July 1, 2024

'Tend That Soil'

 ‘Tend That Soil’

“When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment it grows in, not the flower”

This is an Important thought for our ‘daily’ lives.

We don’t always see a rose growing but when it blossoms — it is beautiful.

The rose or flower grows every day.

So what we put into our lives, every single day, will affect whether we will grow in Life or not.

Also, where our environment is and what it is will affect our Personal Growth.

Who do we ‘associate’ with?

Are they Positive or negative?

Does he or she Encourage you, building you up?

Or does he or she ‘tread on you’, taking your worth away from you?

Our environment has an unconscious effect on our minds, which is why we need to ‘look at it’ and “see” how our environment affects us, both mentally and physically.

This also applies to what we put into or ‘allow’ into our minds.

Do we think pessimistic thoughts, defeating our day before we even get up in the morning?

Or do we build up and construct that Practical and Productive, Positive wall to help us through the day?

The environment starts in the mind, and then the ‘physical environment’ always follows.

We want to Grow Strong in our Lives so we have to ‘tend that soil’.