Saturday, May 25, 2024

You'll See "Gold"

 You’ll See “Gold”

“Invest your energy into something that is going to contribute to your growth”

We are very careful how and where we invest our money, how much more Important is our Energy, both physically and mentally.

We want to ‘spend’ our Energy on projects, books, films, and (in fact) anything that will build us up Mentally, and which will have a Positive effect on us.

We have to ask ourselves such questions as: will this Help me grow in the right direction?

Will this ‘add’ to my Mental abilities?

Will this give me the Positive ‘vibes’ that I need in my life?

How will this new job contribute to the Positiveness I want in my life?

How will this ‘new friend’ affect my life?

Whatever we are doing, let’s try to look ahead and “See” how ‘It’ will affect us, again, both physically and mentally.


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