Saturday, May 18, 2024

It Will Be Worth Getting Through

 It Will Be Worth Getting Through

“Soon, when all is well, you’re going to look back on this period of your life and be so glad that you never gave up”

“I’m ever so glad I saw it through and am much Happier today”.

I believe every one of us has said this at some time in our lives.

We look back on a difficult time and, seeing how far we have come, we feel Proud of ourselves.

The problem is that when we are going through a difficult time to actually Remember that we will ‘get through it’ and be much Stronger for it.

We will (and should) be Proud of ourselves.

Never Give Up! 

Because we never know what or who is just around the corner, ready to support us and give us Hope.

The thing to Remember is that we need to have Hope whilst going through or living in a difficult situation.

It will be worth getting through.


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