Wednesday, May 1, 2024

We Just Need To Believe

 We Just Need To Believe

“Be the reason someone smiles. Be the reason someone feels loved and believes in the goodness in people”

This comes down to how we want to live our lives.

Do we want to be known as a Positive person, Cheerful and Happy?

Or a negative, sad and moaning person?

I know which I’d rather be!

When we see the same person at the bus stop, waiting for the same bus as us, we have no idea about that person’s life, so when we Smile a cheery: “Hello” to him or her, we know that we are doing our best to make the day a Good day — for everyone we meet, as well as for ourselves.

That one Smile could be just what that person needs to think: “Life isn’t so bad after all”.

And Life is Good, we just need to Believe it ourselves, and then it will ‘shine onto others’.


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