Friday, May 17, 2024

Peace Is Powerful!

 Peace Is Powerful!

“Remain calm in every situation because peace equals power”

Staying Calm in any situation is Good for our Mental health, as well as for our Physical health.

And remaining Calm in a group of people helps others to remain Calm also.


Because the human race copies each other and we are members of the human race and we ‘like’ to copy one another, especially someone who is Calm and in Control.

And staying Calm means that we have or are in Control — of ourselves and the situation we might find ourselves in.

As the quote says: “Peace equals Power”.

A person who is in Control and has Peace within themselves can have a Powerful Influence on others.

Peace is something that we all Desire — both in our own lives and also for the world we live in.

As Peace builds up, “It” is definitely more Powerful.


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