Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Keep That Door Open

 Keep That Door Open

“A wise person knows there is something to be learned from everyone”

This is a quote to remember as we go about our busy day.

Wherever ‘situation’ we find ourselves in, we can always Learn something from it.

Whoever we meet during our lives, when people come and go, we can always Learn something from someone.

Wisdom means never to close that ‘door’ thinking that we know everything.

Every single day we are Learning, we just may not always ‘realise’ it.

Like a Gratitude journal, if we wrote down one thing that we have learnt every single day, our journal would soon be full.

And then we could re-read these new ‘thoughts’ and keep them ever present in our minds,

Just make sure that what you Learn has a Positive effect on our minds.

Because whatever we are doing, our Mental Health Must Come First.


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