Monday, May 6, 2024

A Kind Word

 A Kind Word

“People don’t fake depression. They fake being okay. Remember that. Be Kind”

We are all such good ‘actors’ and ‘actresses’ that we hide behind the mask of “everything’s OK” and no one really knows what we are feeling or thinking.

We appreciate that person who goes that extra mile to sit down and listen to us.

They are showing that they Respect us.

Depression affects the mind and a person becomes depressed after going through a ‘difficult time’, and sometimes all he or she needs is to ‘talk it out’ to clear their mind.

And like we appreciate that help and Respect ourselves, so would he or she.

“Be Kind”.

Other words for Kindness or Kind are: Compassionate, Mild, Tender.

Sometimes that is all a person needs — a kind word — to make them feel a little better.


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