Wednesday, May 22, 2024

What Do You Enjoy?

 What Do You Enjoy?

“Good things happen when you finally let the negative things go”

We need to make room for the Positive by getting rid of the negative.

Sometimes, it is good to ‘let it all out’, and it’s like getting rid of the poison in the mind.

Giving ourselves that all Important “Self-Care” time will allow our minds to Heal.

And like we take vitamins to build our physical bodies up, once all the negative is out of our minds, we can build our Mental Health up with Positive thoughts.

When we do this, we are more in a ‘position’ Mentally to accept the Good and Positive changes that will happen in our lives.

The ‘trick’ is that, once we are there Mentally, not to allow our minds to wander back into the negative.

The question is: do you Enjoy being Happy or miserable?


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