Friday, May 3, 2024

We Need To Put Time Aside

 We Need To Put Time Aside

“A little progress each day adds up to big results”

Little and often!

A concert pianist plays so well because he or she practiced every single day of their lives, and still practices.

A baby, when learning to walk, takes tiny steps every single day until he or she can walk quite confidently on their own.

A student will study every single day to become that doctor, and even then, will continue to update his or her knowledge.

This is something that we need to continually remind ourselves.

And this also applies to our Mental Health.

Sitting down, every single day, and giving our minds a chance to rest, renew and rebuild itself will help us to be Strong and Positive people in Life.

We need to make Time for this and not just ‘snatch’ a few minutes here or a few minutes there. 

We need to actually put Time aside to Meditate every single day of our Lives.


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