Monday, January 8, 2024

You'll Be Pleased You Did

 You’ll Be Pleased You Did

“If you can’t stop thinking about it, don’t stop working for it”.

You know that feeling, when something is constantly on your mind and you just can’t stop thinking about “it” — what do you do?

Do you ‘just’ think about it?


Do you actually ‘do’ something about it?

When we really want something, whether it’s a career, a profession, a job, or anything else, it is in our minds all of the time and that is how we know that we really want it, or are meant to have it.

So, do something about it.

Find a way of working for it or saving up to buy it.

Keep on until you finally ‘have it’ and it no longer constantly fills your mind.

You’ll be pleased and happy that you did.


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