Monday, January 22, 2024

It Is Our Privilege

 It Is Our Privilege

“Our parents were patient when we were young, now it’s our time to be patient during their old age”.

Have you ever had the privilege of caring for your mother and / or father?

Possibly one or both became ill and needed more care than usual, because they just couldn’t care for themselves anymore.

This is a change in routine and in our mindset.

Being Determined to look after our parents (when the time comes) helps us to ‘know what to do’ when they really do need our help.

Think about all of the things they did for us — making sure that we were well-fed, clean and warm, sitting up with us when we were ill, praising our successes — without them, we wouldn’t be here!

Yes, it is a real Privilege and one which can and does give us good memories to look back on.


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