Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Respect + Love => Peace

 Respect + Love => Peace

“Respect is one of the greatest expressions of love”.

The word Respect means: “a feeling of deep admiration for someone” or “due regard for the feelings of others”.

The word Love means: “an intense feeling of deep affection for someone” or “to like or enjoy something”.

Put the two together and life will be very Peaceful and Happy.

Even as we ourselves expect, and indeed, deserve Respect, so does every person living on this Earth.

We know the expression: “to treat others as we want to be treated”, and if everyone ‘practiced’ this, we would live in a much more Peaceful world.

When we are in a relationship with someone, do they show they Love you by Respecting you?

Do you show you Love him / her by Respecting them?


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