Tuesday, January 30, 2024

What About You And I?

 What About You And I?

“You can see many smiles every day, but you can never know whose world is actually upside down”.

“Keep Smiling!”

When we go out first thing in the morning to work or college or even shopping, everyone of us smiles and says: “Hello”, when we meet other people, whether we know them or whether they are total strangers.

The truth is, none of us know what the other is ‘going through’.

The lady at the bus stop may have just lost her mother to cancer but she smiles on her way to the funeral parlour. 

The gentleman on the train may have just been made redundant from his place of work, and is so worried about how he will support his family, but his “smile still stays on” (as the song goes).

What about you and I?


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