Friday, January 5, 2024

Start Right Now, Today !

 Start Right Now, Today !

“You are the writer of your own story. So write something good everyday”

Our lives are in our own hands.

Our minds are in our own hands.

So it’s up to us if we want to have a Positive influence on those around us or a negative one.

This also shows how much Confidence and Belief we have in ourselves.

We love to be around people who Smile, Laugh and Joke because it makes us feel Good. Let’s be that person.

However, it is a choice.

One will make us Happy and the other will make us sad.

It would be Good to make Happy memories to look back on, and the beauty of time is that we can start ‘writing’ something Nice and Good right now, today.

So be in Control of your own life and “write something good” today.


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