Saturday, January 27, 2024

The Gratitude Journal

 The Gratitude Journal

“Bring your mind back to how blessed you already are. There’s always something to be grateful for”.

When you are starting to feel depressed and negative thoughts start to creep into your mind, open your Gratitude journal and have a look at what has made you grateful in the last few days.

The negative will soon be pushed out by the Positive.

If you don’t have a Gratitude journal, why not get one? A notebook you write in every day, committing to paper the “good” things that have appeared in your life that day.

We just have to ‘open our eyes’ and see or look for these good things.

Sit down, close your eyes and use your mind’s eye to put these Positive memories into your mind.

You’ll be surprised at how much there is to be Grateful for!


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