Saturday, January 13, 2024

Colourful And Musical

 Colourful And Musical

“Look for something positive in each day, even if some days you have to look a little harder”.

There is always something good to see in (almost) everything.

We just need to ‘open our eyes’ and look for it or see it.

Waking up with the mental attitude that we Will see something Positive that day will Encourage us to ‘look for it’.

Thinking in a Positive way will also help us.

For example: we live on a beautiful planet which is full of life, colourful and musical.

This is Positive.

Listen when the birds sing during the Dawn Chorus.

Stroke your neighbours cat as you go to work or college.

Cuddle your loved one when you take his or her shopping to them.

All of these are Positive things.


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