Thursday, January 18, 2024

Let's Appreciate That Sun

 Let’s Appreciate That Sun

“Be someone’s sunshine when their skies are grey”

A good way to cheer yourself up is to go and cheer someone else up.

We appreciate it when a friend or loved one tries to help us when we are feeling low, so why not try to ‘give back’ some of that cheerfulness.

This is also good for our mental health too, because we feel ‘good’ when we help others.

This also takes our minds off of our own troubles, putting our thoughts onto a more Positive level — which is always Good.

We all appreciate the sun coming out after a dark storm, so let’s be that ‘sun’ when we know someone is or see someone sad.

This could apply to the person we got on the same bus or train with, a gentle smile and: “Hello” can make all the difference to that person’s day.


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