Sunday, January 7, 2024

Take Baby Steps First

 Take Baby Steps First

“Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day-in and day-out”

When we were toddlers, we took baby-steps when we were learning to walk.

When we were at school and learning to read and write, we first learnt the alphabet.

It’s the same in life itself.

Small ‘steps’, every single day, will build up our routine, and a Good and Strong routine is vital in life.

In this way we build up a Happy and Successful life.

A dancer learns the basic steps first, to build up a Strong foundation to be able to move on to the more complicated steps. The final dance routine is Amazing to watch.

The same is absolutely true when it comes to our ‘accomplishments’ in life.

Remember too, that when others see us doing this, it Encourages them also.


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