Thursday, October 10, 2024

You Will See It

 You Will See It

“Once you make the decision to move on, don’t look back. Your destiny will never be found in the rearview mirror”

When we look Forward to the Future, we are showing that we have a Positive ‘view’ of our Lives.

We are proving that we have Faith in Ourselves and in the world around us.

We are proving to Ourselves that we are Trusting in the ‘journey’.

And Believing in Life Itself.

For us to have all of this, we need to develop a Positive and Strong Mindset.

Let go of the past and stop looking back there.

The past has gone!

We Learn from it, yes, and then move on to today and to tomorrow.

We need to overcome the fears that we had in the past, and be Determined to never let those ‘fears’ stop us from doing anything today and tomorrow.

By doing this we can Embrace new opportunities, new experiences and new ‘loves’.

When we drive a car, whilst we need to look in the rearview mirror from time to time, we are constantly looking forwards and ahead.

This makes our driving safe.

Why are our Lives any different?

We need to have that routine of Self-Care and Meditation every day of our Lives, to make our Minds Strong and to Care for our Mental Health.

Look ahead with a Positive Mind and you will see a Happier Life.


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